After 100 Days of Coding

10 Things Learned From 100 Days of Coding

  • I am not a developer anymore, I’m more
  • I like learning on FreeCodeCamp (and other similar sites) independently

    Learning a new language is tough, especially if you use only one or two all the time. But thanks to online resources, it’s now easier than ever to get started coding with a new language. One of my favorite resources for learning independently is FreeCodeCamp. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience with FreeCodeCamp and similar sites, and why I think they’re the best resources for anyone looking to learn to code on their own.

    First and foremost, I love FreeCodeCamp and it’s free.

    It’s an open-source platform that offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end development, data science, and more. You also get a supportive community of fellow learners and mentors who are always willing to help.

    Another thing I love about FreeCodeCamp is the approach to learning. The platform provides a series of challenges and projects that allow you to apply what you’ve learned by doing and at the end of the courses I’ve seen, you have some cool stuff to put in your portfolio. The hands-on approach helps me to get an understanding of concepts.

    But FreeCodeCamp is not the only resource I use to learn to code. I also enjoy using other similar sites, such as Youtube, and tutorialspoint. Each of these platforms has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, but they all share a common goal: to make learning to code accessible to everyone.

    If you’re thinking about learning a new skill or want to update them, I highly recommend checking out FreeCodeCamp, Youtube, and tutorialspoint. These sites have changed in the last few years and Who knows, you might discover a new passion and change your life for the better.

  • I can make alot more money
  • I use social media, games, and code alot
  • I am kinda a math nerd
  • I need to know more about AI
  • Immersion and Extended Reality is my Jam
  • I give alot of free consultations on freelance sites and social media
  • I can design, develop, and release my own apps, games, and content
  • I still love coding, learning, and working with others