100 Days of Coding

Using the MERN Stack

Let’s try to update my MERN Full Stack skill set in 2022. Since, I recently updated my MongoDB Atlas and AWS (Amazon Web Services) accounts, I want to use MERN to quickly build a few applications. The idea is to re-familiarize myself with this stack and build modular components and snippets that I can use to build several apps over the next few weeks.

Before I begin, I have to make sure I update Node.js and React.js basics; then make sure Create React App is updated and installed. Next, I will need access to the MongoDB Atlas database to add a database deployment and connect the app. The full code tutorial for building a full stack MERN application with MongoDB Atlas is available in this GitHub repo.

What is the MERN Stack?

The MERN stack is a web development framework made up of the stack of:

  • MongoDB - It’s an open-source NoSQL cross-platform document-oriented database.
  • ExpressJS - It’s a web-based application framework work with Node JS, It helps to build web apps and RESTful APIs.
  • React - React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook. React is a User Interface (UI) library. React is a tool for building UI components
  • NodeJS - It is a free JavaScript run-time environment, It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is available for macOS, Windows, Linux, and Unix.

It is one of the several variants of the MEAN stack. The MERN stack visualized When you use the MERN stack, you work with React to implement the presentation layer, Express and Node to make up the middle or application layer, and MongoDB to create the database layer. I utilize these four technologies to develop a basic application that is able to record the information and then display it using a React.

I am using the following plugins and tools to create the MERN Stack apps:

  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • MongooseJS
  • ExpressJS
  • ReactJS
  • Visual Studio Code

The MERN Stack Apps being built will estimate, manage, implement, administer, deploy, and monitor with via AWS. In addition, freelance development, agents, bots, features, solutions, mods, extensions, plugins, themes, expansions, and other related server content is also being explored.

Finally, I plan to post update on my progress regularly here and be more consistent highlighting the essential topics and tasks related to my development. But, if I have skipped anything feel free to check out my github Repo’s or send me a message.

Check out the Mongodb Developer Github for more info on how to get the most out of a Mern Stack.